China CNC Foam Cutting Machine Supplier


Relation of Contour Saw and Fast Wire Machine

Contour cutting machine use a contour saw to cut, it is also known as a fast wire machine .It is a power saw that uses a continuous loop of toothed wire blade at gantry to cut through materials. The wire blade is driven by four wheels, one at each end, and the material is fed through the saw by a mechanical feeding table which is driven by rails.
contour saw
Contour saws are used to cut a variety of materials, including wood, metal, plastic, and composites. They are particularly well-suited for cutting intricate shapes and curves, as the blade can be easily guided around the workpiece. Contour saws are also used for making straight or 2D cuts, but they are not as precise as other types of saws for this purpose.
The advantages of using a contour saw:
* Can cut a variety of materials
* Can cut intricate shapes and curves
* Accessible blades for easy blade changes
* Can be used for both straight and curved cuts
So,we can conclude that fast wire is designed from contour saw principle.The gantry and table are just to drive the saw to move for cutting complex designs.
Prev: What is contour cutting wire?
Next: Detailed Presentation of Fast Wire Machine