China CNC Foam Cutting Machine Supplier


Q&A about choosing your suitable foam cutting machine

There are many different foam materials in the foam industry which are flexible,semi rigid and rigid.There are closed cell and open cell foam materials etc.They are existing in the world with the name of EPS,XPS,Sponge,Polyurethane,Phenolic,Mineral wool,Foam Cement,EVA,PE,foam insulation etc.And their application can be for insulation,decoration,protection and package etc.
The cutting industry develop many different cutting machines for cutting these foam materials,these materials need different cutting tools to get best cutting application.Many new users have questions about how to cut and what tools use to cut.We will answer these questions in the article.
hot wire 2D machine
Q:I have EPS block and want to cut foam words for brand decoration in my shop,what machine do i need?
A:Most of the brand decoration are 2D EPS foam materials and models,so you need hot wire CNC foam cutting machine which can be single wire or multiple wires.
Q:I want to get EPS foam decoration for the carton pleasure facility like the hero model and plane models,what cutting machines i need?
A:You need hot knife cutter for manually operate to cut.
You also need hot wire CNC foam cutting machine with turntable for 2D,3D&4D is 5 axis hot wire machine.
You may need styrofoam CNC router which is 4 axis for carving some facial looking and relief etc. 

Q:I have sponge and making sofa and bed, what cutting machines i need?
A:Sponge is flexible materials and you need saw CNC cutting machine like the oscillating saw and cyclic saw cutting machine. 

Q:what machine can cut the Polyurethane and phenolic materials for pipe insulation?
A:You need fast wire machine.It is abrasive wire working with high speed to contour cut for piping covered models. 

Q:Our factory make foamed cement brick which is EPS mixed with cement and want to cut 2D models,it is very hard brick and ask what machine do i need to cut with?
A:you need fast wire CNC foam cutting machine,the fast wire is very strong in cutting rigid materials. 
fast wire cutting machine

There is an point to note that a machine application is not single but general.The hot wire can cut EPS,but it also can cut XPS and sponge.The fast wire can cut PU and mineral wool,people also use it to cut other rigid materials. 

You need consider the cutting materials and also the models you want to cut which can be into panels/2D/3D/4D etc.For example,you cut the big EPS block into panels/pads,you need PLC control the hot wire to move to cut.For cutting EPS block into 2D/3D/4D models,you need CNC control the hot wire to move,so,CNC foam cutting machine is your suitable machine. 

There so many other different foam materials and you can ask us for help to get your best cutting machine.
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