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How to recycle eps foam waste

We can see lots of eps foam applications in our daily life,it exists in many different patterns:eps foam box package,foam panels in buildings,foam mouldings,cooling storage etc.There are many eps foam waste stored all over our cities,it is big enviorenment problem. Many are not aware of the expanded polystyrene waste is recyclable and it is being receycled by the business all over the world.Some experts see business chance and act.They collect and recycle them for different applications and get rich.They do good for our enviorenment and do good for themself.
Info from eps industries:more than 125 million pounds of EPS was recycled during calendar year 2013. This figure  includes 72.8 million pounds of post-commercial and post-consumer packaging and 54.5 million pounds of post-industrial recovery. Post-consumer and post-commercial recycling are defined as any material that is recycled after its intended end-use – while postindustrial recovery includes EPS facility scrap that is recycled but never served its intended purpose as a packaging material or other end-use application.How they recycle them? they buy whole line from Myaid Machinery from China,install them locally and start to recycle the eps foam waste by our eps recycling machine.
Depending on the usage of the recycled foam,you can choose different machine for different recycle applications,You can crush it make new foam,you can melt it and make another polystyrene foam--extruded polystyrene foam,you can also densify it for small volume and good for transportation etc.Think of the cost and profile,think of the suitable applications,think of the enviorenment,it is good in different aspect.
1) Crush the foam waste by eps shredder and mix it by eps mixer with new eps foamed materials for eps products making.

2) Crush and compact them by 
eps compactor.

3) Crush and melt them to be lump by 
eps melter.

4) Crush and extrude them in a process of melting,noodling,cooling and cutting by eps granulator recycling machine.You will get beads for xps panels making materials.
5) There is dust in the recycled granules,we can solve the problem by the dust free crushing machine,it is also called eps dedustor,there is dust free box attached with the eps shredder for dust removing. You can check more details by check our website
eps foam waste de-dustor machine from China
Not all the eps foam waste can be recycled.The eps foam package needs to be clean,no tapes and paper.The eps with flame retardant chemicals need to be recycled and reused in building foam insulations.
As for the resources,we can get from residential and industrial area.Some countries export densified foam waste a lot.
It is easy to start the need no more than a gound for 1 or two machines to start the bisiness and one labor is ok.As for the foam factories,they need it in their production procedure,just install the machine and work.Mix the recyled particles in the new foam making.
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