passive house will drive up the insulated panels market
Passive House is a performance-based building standard that can result in a house that consumes as little as 10% of the total heating and cooling energy used by a house built to the 2006 building code. If you’re an architect or builder, imagine the reaction you’ll get from clients when you tell them that you can either build a house that uses energy by the dollar or one that uses it by the dime.To achieve their impressively low levels of energy consumption, certified Passive Houses rely on proper solar orientation, an airtight envelope, lots of insulation, mechanical ven -tilation, and the reuse of heat.Designing and building a Passive House requires using proprietary energy-load soft-ware aimed at keeping energy use low and includes construction that can be painstak -ing. A flubbed detail can mean the difference between reaching the standard or not.
In EU,all buildings will use passive house tech until 2020,in Germany,they have over 60,000 passive houses,and keeping increasing 3,000 yearly.In China,there are some testing projects in some provinces already.
With passive house developing,the materials on passive house like eps,xps,pu and mineral wool panels will be highly demanded by the market.